Machine status

System overview

Top BOINC processes

top - 22:31:29 up 4 days,  8:56,  2 users,  load average: 4.43, 4.43, 4.40
Tasks: 206 total,   6 running, 200 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  1.5 us,  4.6 sy, 93.8 ni,  0.0 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :  16044.5 total,    319.8 free,   2646.7 used,  13078.0 buff/cache
MiB Swap:   1024.0 total,    912.0 free,    112.0 used.  12980.9 avail Mem 

  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                         
10242 boinc     39  19  661352 643832  12608 R 100.0   3.9 100:44.21 hadam4_um_8.08_                                 
 4165 boinc     39  19  171984 169728   5068 R  93.3   1.0 554:48.90 einstein_O1OD1_                                 
13862 boinc     39  19  661352 639804  12512 R  93.3   3.9  97:13.70 hadam4_um_8.08_                                 
29784 boinc     39  19   38952  36784   3228 R  93.3   0.2  51:03.73 setiathome_8.05                                 
  572 boinc     30  10  200552  13080   8320 S   0.0   0.1   5:55.19 boinc                                           
 9967 boinc     39  19   15388   4524   3856 S   0.0   0.0   0:18.55 hadam4_8.08_i68                                 
13590 boinc     39  19   15388  10340   9672 S   0.0   0.1   0:18.60 hadam4_8.08_i68                                 
26510 boinc     39  19  171916 163744   5068 S   0.0   1.0 764:09.22 einstein_O1OD1_                                 

Jobs status

======== Tasks ========
1) -----------
   name: h1_0449.25_O1C02Cl2In0__O1OD1_449.50Hz_382_1
   WU name: h1_0449.25_O1C02Cl2In0__O1OD1_449.50Hz_382
   project URL:
   received: Wed Feb 27 13:10:24 2019
   report deadline: Wed Mar 13 13:10:24 2019
   ready to report: no
   state: downloaded
   scheduler state: preempted
   active_task_state: SUSPENDED
   app version num: 2
   resources: 1 CPU
   estimated CPU time remaining: 7617.295807
   CPU time at last checkpoint: 45835.760000
   current CPU time: 45846.980000
   fraction done: 0.866891
   swap size: 168 MB
   working set size: 160 MB
2) -----------
   name: h1_0449.25_O1C02Cl2In0__O1OD1_449.50Hz_359_1
   WU name: h1_0449.25_O1C02Cl2In0__O1OD1_449.50Hz_359
   project URL:
   received: Wed Feb 27 20:42:02 2019
   report deadline: Wed Mar 13 20:42:02 2019
   ready to report: no
   state: downloaded
   scheduler state: scheduled
   active_task_state: EXECUTING
   app version num: 2
   resources: 1 CPU
   estimated CPU time remaining: 21576.267418
   CPU time at last checkpoint: 33236.940000
   current CPU time: 33287.920000
   fraction done: 0.622962
   swap size: 168 MB
   working set size: 166 MB
3) -----------
   name: blc36_2bit_guppi_58405_81964_HIP86087_0016.25412.409.21.44.93.vlar_1
   WU name: blc36_2bit_guppi_58405_81964_HIP86087_0016.25412.409.21.44.93.vlar
   project URL:
   received: Thu Feb 28 13:01:22 2019
   report deadline: Mon Apr 22 19:01:03 2019
   ready to report: no
   state: downloaded
   scheduler state: scheduled
   active_task_state: EXECUTING
   app version num: 805
   resources: 1 CPU
   estimated CPU time remaining: 12015.888433
   CPU time at last checkpoint: 3013.838000
   current CPU time: 3062.686000
   fraction done: 0.148331
   swap size: 38 MB
   working set size: 36 MB
4) -----------
   name: blc36_2bit_guppi_58405_82294_HIP85620_0017.25449.818.22.45.126.vlar_1
   WU name: blc36_2bit_guppi_58405_82294_HIP85620_0017.25449.818.22.45.126.vlar
   project URL:
   received: Thu Feb 28 13:01:22 2019
   report deadline: Mon Apr 22 19:01:03 2019
   ready to report: no
   state: downloaded
   scheduler state: uninitialized
   active_task_state: UNINITIALIZED
   app version num: 805
   resources: 1 CPU
   estimated CPU time remaining: 14108.636610
5) -----------
   name: hadam4_a063_200911_12_785_011729994_2
   WU name: hadam4_a063_200911_12_785_011729994
   project URL:
   received: Thu Feb 28 20:46:51 2019
   report deadline: Tue Feb 11 02:06:50 2020
   ready to report: no
   state: downloaded
   scheduler state: scheduled
   active_task_state: EXECUTING
   app version num: 808
   resources: 1 CPU
   estimated CPU time remaining: 1331016.464385
   CPU time at last checkpoint: 2917.620000
   current CPU time: 6032.470000
   fraction done: 0.005367
   swap size: 646 MB
   working set size: 629 MB
6) -----------
   name: hadam4_a0ep_201511_12_785_011730297_2
   WU name: hadam4_a0ep_201511_12_785_011730297
   project URL:
   received: Thu Feb 28 20:46:51 2019
   report deadline: Tue Feb 11 02:06:50 2020
   ready to report: no
   state: downloaded
   scheduler state: scheduled
   active_task_state: EXECUTING
   app version num: 808
   resources: 1 CPU
   estimated CPU time remaining: 1331248.148639
   CPU time at last checkpoint: 2943.250000
   current CPU time: 5821.410000
   fraction done: 0.005194
   swap size: 646 MB
   working set size: 625 MB
[ICO]NameLast modifiedSize
[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory  -

Last update: 2019-02-28T22:31:29 +0100